Functional Reactive Programming with SolidJS and fp-ts
Table of content:
- Introduction
- Learning Functional Programming with
- Learning Reactive Programming with SolidJS
- Tying this all up - functional and reactive
- Conclusion
Why? Just… Why?
My first interaction with Functional Programming was three years ago. I was in awe on how different it was from programming I’ve known then (I was using Angular, TypeScript and Java at work) and how it can improve my coding skills. I am learning it bit by bit since then.
Then, I became fan of Reactive Programming as well. It all started with me using RxJS with Angular. Then, I found out a library called RxAngular that meant to improve state management and rendering aspects to Angular by leveraging full power of RxJS. Meanwhile, I saw frameworks like Vue and Svelte still topping the popularity charts. Also, last two years were significant to SolidJS and Qwik, which are getting more and more recognition among the community.
Realising that two of those worlds can be combined was inevitable at some point. Functional Reactive Programming is a paradigm that exists for decades and can be more valuable now then ever, especially for front-end development purposes.
Soon, fired up by things I’ve learned so far, I wanted to use those in action and create a simple web app using the Functional Reactive Programming approach. And well, this is the result. I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned and walk you through building this small app piece by piece.
The app
What we’ll build is a display for Wikipedia search results. We’ll use Wikipedia API to search available results by provided query and show it on a screen as a list of links.
Here’s our set of requirements:
- Add an input for our search query.
- After user provides the query, display data from API as a list of links matching the query.
- Do not trigger the API request until user is done with writing the query. In other words: do not query the API with every provided character.
- If the API call fails for some reason, provide user with a meaningful message of what went wrong.
Below you can find a demo of our working app.
You can treat the above as TL;DR as well, as you can enter the code for the app in Stackblitz and see the final result for yourself 😉
The stack
Choosing a perfect stack for the job was tough, as there are many great solutions. Here’s a summary of my stack. You’ll find the reason of why I chose what I chose below the list.
- TypeScript
- fp-ts
- SolidJS
- zod
- ts-pattern
The baseline was definitely using TypeScript as it is a golden standard of static typing in JavaScript ecosystem. I'm also very fond of it personally.
When comes to Functional Programming, there are not many libraries that leverage TypeScript fully. The biggest players I was aware of were EffectTS
and fp-ts
. I guess the title of this article may have already spoiled that I’ve chosen fp-ts
for the job. The reason why was pretty subjective - those two libraries present different approach to writing FP code in TypeScript and fp-ts
one felt closer to my heart.
As for Reactive Programming, the choice was not difficult - I haven’t even considered anything besides SolidJS. Again, a subjective choice, as this is my recent favourite front-end framework out there.
Additional libraries that we’ll use are zod
to validate schema for data that’ll come from Wikipedia API and ts-pattern
to introduce pattern matching to our code - a powerful tool for discriminating variants of our data.
We'll explain every library and framework I mentioned as we code our application.
The structure of this article
Because of how many things we have to touch, the article will have three parts.
In the first one we’ll code the “Functional Programming” parts of our application and I’ll teach you all the FP principles needed to complete our task.
The second one is all about “Reactive Programming” part. I’ll introduce you to SolidJS web framework and we’ll code first part of our application.
In the final part we’ll tie “Functional” and “Reactive” parts together and apply the knowledge we’ve learned to finish our task.
Without any further delay, let’s start diving into the Functional Programming world for our first part!
I think no further explanation is needed as I don’t want to waste your time with superficial introductions. We’ll see in action what tools for writing functional code fp-ts
is providing us with.
Learning Functional Programming with fp-ts
A quick introduction
If I were to sum up FP, I would say it is all about programming with pure functions and composition. I feel those two concepts need to be broken down in order to capture the bigger picture.
Pure function is the one that for the same input always returns the same output. You could compare it to mathematical functions you’ve seen at school. For example, f(x) = 2x
is a function that for any x
always returns a doubled value of x
. The same principle is applied for pure functions in programming.
Composability is a concept of composing smaller units into bigger one. As for function composition, we compose functions with each other, thus implementing our program bit by bit.
Because of how easily pure functions compose with each other, we can think of our final programs as pipelines, where one value enters it and, after a series of operations applied to it, a new value of an expected shape is returned to the user.
We’ll start coding soon. I think the best way for you to follow up is to spin up the SolidJS-TypeScript template on Stackblitz, fork it, and enter your future code in the
file. You don’t need to know anything about SolidJS at this point. At least for now.
Tool for the job
As you know, we'll be using fp-ts
to write functional code in our app. The best summary for fp-ts
comes from its docs: "The goal of fp-ts
is to empower developers to write pure FP apps and libraries built atop higher order abstractions. It includes the most popular data types, type classes, and abstractions from languages like Haskell, PureScript, and Scala".
We'll also use fp-ts
to explain some core Functional Programming concepts with examples.
Core concepts
Aside of knowing the tools we’ll be working with, there are a couple of core FP concepts that I feel need to be explained before we start coding our app.
Creating pipelines with pipe
To continue the topic from the previous section, we use composition and compose our pure functions into bigger ones, as long as output of the first function matches (with its type) the input of the next one.
You can think of composing functions as applying matching LEGO bricks with each other - the bricks won’t stay connected unless both shapes match each other. If you succeed in placing two bricks of matching shape with each other, you’ll get a bigger piece.
When passing our value through multiple functions in JS/TS for the purpose of doing a multiple operations on it, it can look like this:
// Exampleconst double = (x: number) => x * 2;const add = (x1: number) => (x2: number) => x1 + x2;const numberToString = (x: number) => `${x}`;const someValue = 10;const newValue = numberToString(add(double(someValue))(5));
As you can see, if you’d like to understand the sequence of operations here, you need to read right-to-left and process a lot of parentheses. Is it a problem to you or not - you decide.
The point is, when writing with a paradigm that is all about composition, you’ll need to write pipelines a lot. Wouldn’t it be nice to simplify the process then?
That’s why FP languages like Haskell, Elm, F# or PureScript have their own pipeline operators that allow you to pass your value through a pipeline of functions.
For example, in Elm, |>
is the pipeline operator that lets you do just that.
someValue = 10newValue = someValue |> double |> add 5 |> numberToString
Interestingly, there is an active proposal for the pipeline operator in JavaScript right now.
But we stranded too much of our TypeScript path here, let’s get back on it again. In JS and TS there is no pipeline operator and you cannot create your custom operators like some other languages can. But still, fp-ts
allows us to create our pipelines with the pipe
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';const double = (x: number) => x * 2;const add = (x1: number) => (x2: number) => x1 + x2;const numberToString = (x: number) => `${x}`;const someValue = 10;// : stringconst newValue = pipe(someValue,double,add(5),numberToString);
You probably noticed that the
function returns a function instead having two arguments. This is a common technique in FP called currying. It comes useful in multiple situations, for example when we want to partially apply (another common term in FP) an argument to a function and use the returned function in some pipeline. In the example above we partially applied5
to theadd
function resulting inx2 => 5 + x2
function which is used in the pipeline.
With pipe
you can pass your initial value through a sequence of unary functions (functions accepting one argument), resulting in a new value. This sequence, like the example before it, is written left-to-right (or top-to-bottom, depending on code formatting). The number of parentheses is reduced as well.
Also, as fp-ts
values type-safety, the type of our new value is correctly inferred from types of our composed functions. If you hover over the newValue
you’ll see that the type for it is inferred as string
, which is what we expect. TS compiler would also warn us if functions would be composed incorrectly, for example if we’d switch double
and numberToString
functions in the pipeline with each other.
The not-so-scary land of functors
Coming to this part I realised how difficult is to provide a simple, pragmatic definition of a functor without even slightly touching on category theory. But hell, I’ll try, even risking a backlash from FP purists.
Functor is anything mappable.
There, I’ve said it.
To be more precise and to quote Giulio Canti from his articles on common typeclasses implemented in fp-ts, functor is a pair of (F, map)
is a type constructor (type constructor is a type acceptingn
generic types and returning a new type) ofn
arity (n ≥ 1
is a function of a following signature:
map: <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => ((fa: F<A>) => F<B>)
For those interested, there are more rules to functor than just this, but the above ones are a must-know for our use-case. For example, functor must also apply rules of monoid, which also needs to apply rules of semigroup, and so on. If you’re interested, you can read more about functors here and here.
Good news, you, as a JS/TS developer probably already know one functor, and that would be Array<T>
is a generic function (check ✅) that has an ability to be mapped over with .map
method (check ✅). Although the .map
is build-in to the type, we can easily define a standalone function map
for Array
function map<A, B>(g: (b: A) => B): (fa: Array<A>) => Array<B> {return fa =>}
All we had to do was to replace the F
type with the Array
type and provide body of the function.
“So what’s the point of generalising something straightforward like this?”, you may ask.
The point is that:
1) When doing FP programming you’ll often find a need to apply different behaviours to your types. That’s why type classes like Functor
, Eq
(for defining data equality) or Ord
(for defining how data should be ordered) exist.
2) As for functors, there are a lot of smart and useful functors out there that represent different computations (for Array
the “computation” is simply an ability to store multiple values) that help us solve common programming problems. You’ll get to know some of them soon.
Your computations may fail - Either
will tell you all about it
Applications I write often show errors to the user - not because my lack in coding abilities (it is an existing factor, but that’s not the point here), but because this is the intention.
Some things are outside of our control, as developers - file which we want to read has incorrect format or extension, API we want to query is not available anymore, user suddenly lost an internet connection, etc.
In situations like this we want to fail gracefully and show the user that everything is under control and to guide them through the tough times.
Like every other paradigm, FP has its own solution for handling errors which gives us superpowers, and that is the Either
type (also called Result
in other libraries or languages). Either
in fp-ts
is defined like this:
type Either<E, A> = Left<E> | Right<A>export interface Left<E> {readonly _tag: 'Left'readonly left: E}export interface Right<A> {readonly _tag: 'Right'readonly right: A}
Where E
is a type for an error and A
is type of our data.
is a union of Right
, which represents the result of our computation, and Left
, which represents error that may have occurred during resolving of said computation. It's always either one of two.
is a functor, just as the Array
, so you can map over it:
// Exampleimport * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';// Create an instance of Right with `of` functionconst price = E.of(1000); // E.Either<never, number>// Map the underlying valueconst priceString = => `${v}`)(price); // E.Either<never, string>
As you can see you can transform the result of your computation without unwrapping and wrapping the underlying value of Either
. Out data type is also correctly inferred from the mapping we’ve conducted. Error is of type never
here because we didn’t provide any information about what is the possible error here.
But what’s really cool about Either
is just how errors are handled. See the example below:
// Exampleimport * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';// Let's assume our comutation ended up in an errorconst price: E.Either<Error, number> = E.left(new Error('Something went wrong and price is not available'));// Map the underlying data, whatever it isconst priceString = => `${v}`)(price); // E.Either<Error, string>console.log(priceString);/*{"_tag": "Left","left": Error {message: "Something went wrong and price is not available"}}*/
As you can see, even though the error had happened, we can still operate on our Either
. No errors are thrown or shown to the user, unless we do it intentionally. What happens is that when the Either
is Left
, the mapping doesn't even happen - the Left
value containing error is returned unchanged.
What I like about Either
is the control it gives us and the ability to explicitly declare what errors are to be expected from the computations we are about to perform. In other words: Either
with its underlying data and error are type-safe.
If you recall the try-catch
block from JS/TS, you probably already know that any error caught by the catch
block is unknown
by default. It’s up to you to add some logic to narrow the specific type and only then you can handle it.
If you want to deal with computations that may fail, but you don’t need specific info about an error, there’s an
type (also calledMaybe
in other solutions) designed just for that.
I’ve got a Task
for you, but do it async
What's JavaScript application without asynchronous computations? Promise
is a well known way to handle async code in JavaScript land.
has it's own abstraction for handling async as well. fp-ts
lets you define async tasks by using Task
. Task
is nothing more than a function that returns a Promise (in other words a lazy Promise
or a thunk):
type Task<A> = () => Promise<A>
But what’s more to know, is that the intention of the Task
is to represent async computations that always succeed.
The difference between Promise
and Task
is that we’ll never know whether the Promise
will resolve
or reject
(whether it’ll succeed or fail) and with Task
we know that the intention was to provide async computation that never fails.
This is an important distinction because of how thorough typed FP is with its “leave no type undeclared” approach. And you’ll soon see how to deal with async operations that may fail.
Again, Task
is a functor as well! You can map data that are the result of your Promise
and create a new “lazy” Promise
from it:
// Exampleimport * as T from 'fp-ts/Task';// Imagine the user data comes from API. This is a "lazy" Promise,// so it won't resolve immidiately.const userTask = T.of({ name: 'john' }); // T.Task<{name: string}>// You can declare series of transformations to your underlying dataconst usernameTask = pipe(userTask, =>; // T.Task<string>// When you run the Promise, the declared transformatioms// are applied to the resultconst username = await usernameTask(); // string
… But in the end, the task failed
As we have already mentioned, it is completely normal for our functions and programs to result in errors. We already established that a way to handle computation that may fail is the Either
type. But we didn’t mention, that this is actually correct for the synchronous parts of our code. So what about async?
The solution is brilliant in its simplicity - if we combine Task
that handles our async code and Either
that handles computations that may fail we get… 🥁🥁🥁 TaskEither
In other words, TaskEither
represents asynchronous computation that may fail.
The type itself is nothing more than:
interface TaskEither<E, A> extends Task<Either<E, A>> {}
Where E
is a generic type for an error and A
is type of our data.
Small spoiler here, but this is what we’ll ultimately use in our code: we’ll get our fetch()
call to Wikipedia API to result in TaskEither<WikiResultsError, WikiResultsData>
, where each error is explicitly declared and data parsed from JSON is correctly typed.
We’ll see more on TaskEither
when we’ll get to write our application…
Which happens to be now! Let’s get to it then.
For those interested, you can find more about
here and here.
The “functional” part of our app
Closer look at Wikipedia API
Let’s see what is the exact example output of an example GET*&search=bear
call, which searches out all result for the "bear" query:
["bear",["Bear","Bear Grylls","Beard","... more results"],["","","","... more empty strings"],["","","","... more results"]]
As you can see, the actual type for our JSON response is a tuple:
[string, string[], string[], string[]]
As we see from the example above, the response tuple consists of:
- search query as
- titles of Wiki articles as
- list of empty strings (I dug out that some time ago this was a list of Wiki article contents, but those were reduced to empty strings due to optimizations)
- links for Wiki articles as
(each link matches the titles of articles by index)
The second and fourth element is what interests us the most. Based on that data we’ll build the list of links in our UI.
Fetching data the FP way
In this section, and until the end of the "functional programming" part of the article, we’ll focus on writing our fetch call to Wikipedia API that will return our data.
Pfff, not a problem, that’s a one-liner!
const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`).then(r => r.json());
(Well, not exactly in one-liner, but only due to the formatting.)
Done! I’m outta here! I commend you on reading so much text just to write a simple fetch
call. Just kidding, of course.
This is what what most of use would write. Maybe we’d wrap it in some try-catch
as well to make sure we have it all covered. Possibly doing some if-statements in catch
to differentiate between errors as well (given that we know what they are).
First thing that we can inspect in this code snippet is the inferred type. It is, in fact, (query: string) => Promise<any>
. What strikes us immediately is the any
type. This is to be expected though: Fetch API doesn’t have a clue on what data type to expect from the API. After all, it’s indeterministic and totally unrelated to our codebase.
We can be clever about this and declare the type:
const fetchWikiResults = (query: string): Promise<[{ link: string }]> =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`).then(r => r.json());
But are you sure that the JSON data that is returned from the API is of type [{ link: string }]
. Are you really, REALLY sure?
Because in this case, it sure isn’t the correct data type. The compiler allowed us to write anything we wished. And if we made a mistake or creators of the API would change something, we and our users would only guess why our app crashed.
The goal of this part is to write the fetchWikiResults
function resulting in TaskEither<E,A>
. This way we’ll have everything on a plate - what possible errors are and what is the expected shape of our data.
Let’s start with defining our resulting data type. We’ll not use the [string, string[], string[], string[]]
tuple type of our data as it’s not that meaningful. At some point we’ll convert it to something more descriptive:
type WikiResultsData = {title: string;content: string;href: string;}[];
We’ll map the second element of the tuple to the title, third to content, and so on. This way we’ll have an array of objects with corresponding informations - all in one place instead of scattered around.
As for the error type, let’s start with something simple:
type WikiResultsError = unknown;
Don’t worry, it won’t stay like that forever - we’ll build up our “list of errors” as we write our function.
Now on to the most important question - how to translate Promise
to a TaskEither
This is something that the tryCatch
from fp-ts
can help us with:
const tryCatch: <E, A>(f: Lazy<Promise<A>>, onRejected: (reason: unknown) => E) => TaskEither<E, A>
As you can see from the type of the tryCatch
, it accepts two arguments: a “lazy” promise (thunk) and handler for the error. Let’s use it to start writing our fetchWikiResults
const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => {/* ... */});
We added our main fetch()
call to Wikipedia API in the “lazy” form as a first argument. The second one serves as a handler for any error that may occur while running the fetch()
The error
argument in the callback here is inferred as unknown
, just as it would in the try-catch
block. Our job is to provide a specific type for our error.
As MDN says: “A fetch() promise only rejects when a network error is encountered (which is usually when there's a permissions issue or similar)”.
That’s what we’ll use here. We’ll create our own custom NetworkError
and provide it as the specific error that can occur:
/*** This is returned when there a network failure is encountered* or if anything prevented the request from being completed.*/export class NetworkError extends Error {readonly _tag = 'NetworkError';public constructor(message = '') {super(message);}}
(You can see I assigned the NetworkError
class a unique _tag
as one of the properties. You’ll get to know why in the future.)
And use it in fetchWikiResults
const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message));
This way, when we hover over the fetchWikiResults
, we’ll see that proper TaskEither
type is already inferred:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<NetworkError, Response>
This is a great first step!
But we know that we need to extract JSON data out of the Response
instance. And no, we won’t add .then(r => r.json())
at the end of the fetch()
here, oh no, no.
We have to realise, that during the r.json()
step, another error may happen. As we read on MDN: “The json()
method of the Response
interface takes a Response
stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise which resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON”. So what can happen, rarely or not, is a JSON parser error. Let’s document it in our code as well:
/*** This is returned when response parser is unable to convert* response body to the desired format.*/export class ParserError extends Error {readonly _tag = 'ParserError';public constructor(message = '') {super(message);}}
(You can see I assigned the ParserError
class a unique _tag
as one of the properties. You’ll get to know why in the future.)
Now we have to somehow “transform” our existing TaskEither
to hold our parsed JSON object, instead the Response
”Use map
! TaskEither
is a functor!” - you may say. Let’s do it then! But remember, Response.json()
ends up in a promise, so we have to convert it to TaskEither
as well!
It’s a good moment to introduce pipe
to our definition, otherwise we may end up in too much parentheses and nesting:
import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)), =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))));
As you can see I already went ahead and used both
and the second TE.tryCatch
. With map
we get access to the underlying Response
instance (with response
callback argument), hence we can use the second tryCatch
to convert response.json()
's Promise
to a TaskEither
. We also declared that we may anticipate a ParserError
from doing response.json()
Let’s now see how fetchWikiResults
's type is inferred by TS compiler:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<NetworkError, TE.TaskEither<ParserError, any>>
Well… This is not something that we may want as the end result. We can clearly see the nested TaskEither
within the TaskEither
. If we leave it like this, it’ll only add an extra layer of difficulty to any user of the fetchWikiResults
Is there a way to squash or flatten those two TaskEither
s into one…?
Of course there is! We wouldn’t get to this point otherwise 😉
The TE.flatten
function exists just for that:
import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)), =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))),TE.flatten);
Now when hovering over the fetchWikiResults
we see:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<ParserError, any>
Now that’s better. But wait, where did the NetworkError
go? We clearly have it in the definition, but it got lost somewhere in the type system.
There is a quick fix to this issue, and it’s an alternative to TE.flatten
called TE.flattenW
. TE.flattenW
is does pretty much the same, but, as API docs say: “The W
suffix (short for Widening) means that the error types will be merged”. It’ll simply merge any error type definitions that occur across the pipeline.
Again, let’s change it:
import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)), =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))),TE.flattenW);
And peek the inferred type:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<NetworkError | ParserError, any>
Perfect! Now the type definitions are merged and we can see it as a union: NetworkError | ParserError
We can simplify this code by replacing sequence of map
and flatten
with just one call of another function - chain
const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)),TE.chainW((response) =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))));
We use chainW
here instead of chain
for the same reason we used flattenW
in place of flatten
🏆 Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the achievement: “Monad Beginner”!
Yes, that’s right, what you’ve just witnessed is the legendary “monad”. All monads define a function called
in other solutions) that allow you to chain computations with each other. And that’s what we did: we chained together twoTaskEither
s. Just to let you know, all functors you’ve learned so far -Array
- have monad instances as well.
We’re almost done! The last bit that’s left is to get rid of this nasty any
from our data type.
Are you unsure about your data? Validate it with zod
The next thing we’ll do is to ensure the data that comes from the Wikipedia API has the expected shape. This way we’ll be sure that the type is correct so we can sleep better, not worrying about unexpected runtime errors.
For this task we’ll use zod
. To quickly quote the official docs: “Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. (…) With Zod, you declare a validator once and Zod will automatically infer the static TypeScript type. It's easy to compose simpler types into complex data structures”.
Let’s see it in action for the simplest of examples. Here we want to validate that our unknown data is of type string
// Exampleimport { z } from 'zod';// Tell the compiler to treat our test data as `unknown` typeconst test = 'I am a very important piece of data' as unknown;// Create zod schema for our expected dataconst TestSchema = z.string();// Parse our unknown data using the schemaconst parsedTest = TestSchema.parse(test);console.log(parsedTest);
The idea is quite straightforward: we create zod
schema using one of many schema primitives, then use parse
method to parse validate our data against provided schema. In case of success, the parse
method would just return our value unchanged, but the type would be correctly inferred from that moment(parsedTest
is now string
). In case of failure, parse
throws an instance of ZodError
In case you don’t like throwing errors around, there’s a safeParse
method as well, which returns a value of type:
{ success: true, data: T } | { success: false, error: ZodError }
Where T
is the expected type of our data inferred from zod
Now, back to the fetchWikiResults
function, let me remind you the expected shape for the JSON data that comes from Wikipedia API:
[string, string[], string[], string[]]
We would like to create a zod
schema for the exact type above. We can create more complex schemas out of the combinators, like this:
import { z } from 'zod';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple(/* ... */);
The tuple
function expects an array of smaller schemas as its argument, that will represent the corresponding elements of the tuple. The first element of the tuple is of type string
, so let’s add it:
import { z } from 'zod';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string()]);
The last three elements are string[]
, so we need to add those as well. Conveniently, there is also a schema helper/combinator for arrays. Let’s see it in action:
import { z } from 'zod';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string(),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string())]);
function accepts a schema of expected data type that the array will hold - string
in this case.
We are done with the schema. What’s also magical about zod
is that we can easily extract the type out of schema. Let me show you how:
type WikipediaResult = z.infer<typeof WikipediaResult>;
And that’s it! If you hover over the WikipediaResult
type above, you’ll see
type WikipediaResult = [string, string[], string[], string[]]
Now you have both schema and a type derived from it, without a need to duplicate anything.
Now we can use schema and it’s safeParse
method, and chain a new TaskEither
created out of the (potentially successfully) parsed data:
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { z } from 'zod';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string(),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string())]);const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)),TE.chainW((response) =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))),TE.chainW((payload) => {const parsed = WikipediaResult.safeParse(payload);return parsed.success ? TE.right( : TE.left(parsed.error);}));
We are using chain
(or chainW
to be more precise) instead of just map
, because we’d like to keep information on both data and error. That’s why we create a new TaskEither
by using TE.right
and TE.left
functions respectfully.
If we’d like, we can generalise the fp-ts
and zod
integration here and create a utility function for parsing/decoding with zod
that results with Either
, instead the { success: true, data: T } | { success: false, error: ZodError }
import { z } from 'zod';import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';export const decode =<T>(schema: z.ZodType<T>) =>(value: T): E.Either<z.ZodError<T>, T> => {const parsed = schema.safeParse(value);return parsed.success ? E.right( : E.left(parsed.error);};
And replace the last chainW
in the pipeline with:
TE.chainW((payload) => TE.fromEither(decode(WikipediaResult)(payload)))
Where fromEither
function creates a TaskEither
from Either
No matter which of the two solutions you’ll choose, if you hover the fetchWikiResults
function now, you’ll see that it’s type is inferred to:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<NetworkError | ParserError | z.ZodError<[string, string[], string[], string[]]>,[string, string[], string[], string[]]>
This gives us now a very clear view of what to expect of this asynchronous computation: we can expect one of three errors or data of a specific shape - that’s terrific!
Now let’s jump to the last, easiest part of building our pipeline.
Share with care - mapping the data
Sometimes the data that comes from the API is not clear enough or well documented. This is somewhat the case here. If we create the fetchWikiResults
and leave it like we left it in the last section, other people may scratch their heads when they read the code.
”What the hell is this [string, string[], string[], string[]]
? What data does every array hold?”
That’s why we’ll safe our colleagues (and ourselves in the future) the effort and frustrations and transform our data to something more meaningful, from the above tuple to:
type WikiResultsData = {title: string;content: string;href: string;}[];
You may remember this, this is a type that we’ve mentioned at the beginning.
Try to do it yourself. To sum up - the exercise is to map underlying TaskEither
data, changing it from:
TaskEither<NetworkError | ParserError | z.ZodError<[string, string[], string[], string[]]>,[string, string[], string[], string[]]>
TaskEither<NetworkError | ParserError | z.ZodError<[string, string[], string[], string[]]>,WikiResultsData>
And to remind you what are the corresponding elements of the array, here they are:
- search query as
- titles of Wiki articles as
- list of empty strings (later I dug out that some time ago this was a list of Wiki article contents)
- links for Wiki articles as
(each link matches the titles of articles by index)
Just to help you a bit, I’ll just say that you should use what you know about TaskEither
being a functor!
Here’s how I’d implement this:
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';import { z } from 'zod';import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { NetworkError, ParserError } from './errors';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string(),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),]);const fetchWikiResults = (query: string) =>pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)),TE.chainW((response) =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))),TE.chainW((payload) => {const parsed = WikipediaResult.safeParse(payload);return parsed.success ? TE.right( : TE.left(parsed.error);}),[, titles, contents, hrefs]) =>, i) => ({href: hrefs[i],title,content: contents[i],}))));
Now if we check the inferred type of the fetchWikiResults
function, this would now be:
const fetchWikiResults: (query: string) => TE.TaskEither<NetworkError | ParserError | z.ZodError<[string, string[], string[], string[]]>,{href: string;title: string;content: string;}[]>
Which is exactly what we wanted. For simplifying the type of the function itself, we can use the WikiResultsData
and WikiResultsError
types that we’ve created:
import { z } from 'zod';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string(),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),]);type WikipediaResult = z.infer<typeof WikipediaResult>;type WikiResultsData = {href: string;title: string;content: string;}[];type WikiResultsError =| NetworkError| ParserError| z.ZodError<WikipediaResult>;
(You can see that we’ve changed the WikiResultsError
type we’ve mentioned before (initially set to unknown
) to a full union of our expected types.)
And now, to the final solution for the fetchWikiResult
// src/fetch-wiki-results.tsimport * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';import { z } from 'zod';import { NetworkError, ParserError } from './errors';const WikipediaResult = z.tuple([z.string(),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),z.array(z.string()),]);type WikipediaResult = z.infer<typeof WikipediaResult>;export type WikiResultsData = {href: string;title: string;content: string;}[];export type WikiResultsError =| NetworkError| ParserError| z.ZodError<WikipediaResult>;export const fetchWikiResults = (query: string): TE.TaskEither<WikiResultsError, WikiResultsData> => {return query === ''? TE.of([]): pipe(TE.tryCatch(() =>fetch(`*&search=${query}`),(error) => new NetworkError((error as Error).message)),TE.chainW((response) =>TE.tryCatch(() => response.json(),(error) => new ParserError((error as Error).message))),TE.chainW((payload) => {const parsed = WikipediaResult.safeParse(payload);return parsed.success ? TE.right( : TE.left(parsed.error);}),[, titles, contents, hrefs]) =>, i) => ({href: hrefs[i],title,content: contents[i],}))));};
(Notice that I’ve added a condition at the beginning of the fetchWikiResults
function. This is because when the search query is empty, the API call fails. We don’t want that, as the empty string is a default state of our search query, and also user can just remove everything from the search query input. In other words: we want to default to something safe when search query is empty.)
Great! We are now done with the core “functional programming” part of our application.
The only thing I’d do as well, is to refactor this code into its own module. I called it, as an example, src/fetch-wiki-results.ts
There are definitely some FP concepts that we’ll touch on during the rest of our journey, but it’d be nothing as complex as those that you’ve already seen. You should be proud of yourself for coming this far! I sure am happy for you.
Learning Reactive Programming with SolidJS
If you want to go through an interactive journey around SolidJS, I recommend you the official SolidJS tutorial. You can learn everything about SolidJS’ principles and API there - its creators did a solid (pun intended) job on creating this.
What is SolidJS and why should you choose it?
There are many, many, many resources on what SolidJS is and how it differs from other frameworks. A lot of people smarter than me have already answered this question, so I’ll just provide you with a brief explanation to not to repeat the same work over and over.
SolidJS is a framework created by Ryan Carniato that allows you to create web apps. Main selling points of SolidJS are:
- Performance (you can find JS benchmarks and compare SolidJS with other frameworks here).
- Fine-grained reactivity in shape of “reactive primitives” that let you manage your data/state and link your (reactive) data to specific elements of the UI in a granular way.
I think actions speak louder than words, so you’ll find out exactly how coding with SolidJS looks like in next sections.
Tour around the codebase
If you have already completed the sections above (from building the “FP part” of our app), you should already have an application set up on Stackblitz. If not, please go to this template, and fork it for your own use.
SolidJS, as many front-end frameworks before it, uses components to modularise and re-use parts of our UI.
Components in SolidJS are functions that take props as arguments, and return HTML that should be rendered on our screens. The simplest example there is for a component is:
const App = () => 'Hello World';
Which is a function that takes no props and returns a static string of 'Hello World'
You can find another example of a component in our application in src/App.tsx
file - the App
There you can see that the App
function returns a HTML:
// src/App.tsximport type { Component } from 'solid-js';import logo from './logo.svg';import styles from './App.module.css';const App: Component = () => {return (<div class={styles.App}><header class={styles.header}><img src={logo} class={styles.logo} alt="logo" /><p>Edit <code>src/App.tsx</code> and save to reload.</p><aclass={}href=""target="_blank"rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn Solid</a></header></div>);};
This is not normally possible in JavaScript or TypeScript syntax. It is possible here because SolidJS uses JSX, which is a syntax extension for our JS/TS that allow writing markup inline, alongside our JS/TS code.
If we inspect our application in Chrome DevTools, we can see the following HTML elements:

As you can see, our div
element containing header
is a child of <div id="root"></div>
element. If you’d like to see where this originates from, check out the ./index.html
<!-- ./index.html --><!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /><meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="/src/assets/favicon.ico" /><title>Solid App</title></head><body><noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript><div id="root"></div><script src="/src/index.tsx" type="module"></script></body></html>
This is the root HTML file of our application. Within its body
tag there is the aforementioned <div id="root"></div>
and also script
tag loading our SolidJS application script.
Basically, <div id="root"></div>
is the HTML element where our SolidJS application is loaded at.
If we take a look at the script
tag, you can see it points to src/index.tsx
file. Let’s take a look at it’s contents:
// src/index.tsximport { render } from 'solid-js/web';import './index.css';import App from './App';render(() => <App />, document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement);
does one thing - it runs the render
function from solid-js/web
taking our App
component (which is set up to be our root component, as it turns out) and the HTML element where the component should be rendered at. We can see that render
sets up the div
with id="root"
attribute to be the origin of our SolidJS application.
This is how the basic setup of the SolidJS app looks like. Let’s now take a look at the coolest part - SolidJS’ reactivity.
SolidJS and its fine-grained reactivity
What is reactivity or reactive programming?
There are some interesting articles focusing on either fine-grained reactivity in SolidJS or reactivity as a paradigm that I’d like to share with you in case you’d want to dive deeper after reading this.
I, personally, would define reactivity as “managing data that change over time and keeping track of the changes”.
The simplest analogy for reactivity is an Excel spreadsheet. If you write a number in one cell, and a formula in the second cell that uses data from the first cell, every time the number changes, the result in the second cell changes automatically. It’s like creating a graph of relations between existing data and its dependants.
How does SolidJS let you create reactive data…
SolidJS’ reactivity is build on top of reactive primitives, that allow you to create and manage your data. Reactive primitives are also crucial in the rendering process in SolidJS, although they can be an independent state/data management system as well.
The simplest reactive primitive out there, and the most important one (as no other primitive can exist without it) is signal. It allows you to create your reactive pieces of data. You create signal with the createSignal
function from solid-js
// Exampleimport { createSignal } from "solid-js";const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
You may be surprised when seeing this, especially when coming from React, as you see no component or JSX here. The above is a valid piece of code. As I said, signals can be independent of any rendering system. As they can be put outside of any component, the same reactive data can be shared across multiple components.
returns a tuple of two: reactive value accessor and a setter function for that value. Here’s a simple example of the SolidJS component where you can see the usage of both:
// Examplefunction Counter() {const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);setInterval(() => setCount(count() + 1), 1000);// Alternatively:// setInterval(() => setCount(c => c + 1), 1000);return <div>Count: {count()}</div>;}
The above example will increment the count every second and display it on screen.
This is, surprisingly, also a valid use of
in the SolidJS component. That can be surprising to some of you, as this kind of code is a no-go in, for example, React, as with every re-render, the whole component code is run again, which, in this case, will result in creating multiple intervals.SolidJS components work differently, as their code will run only once. You can treat them like a "setup functions", instead the "re-render functions".
Here you can see the count
accessor is used inside the JSX by wrapping it in curly braces. This way you can use any JS/TS variable inside your JSX elements. What is crucial for the reactive accessor is that it is a function - you must run it in order to access the value and start “reactivity tracking”.
The setter function sets a new value for the signal. You can use the data accessor directly when running the setter, or a callback function with the current value as its argument.
What I meant with “reactivity tracking” earlier, is that every time you run signal’s accessor, it registers and holds a list of active subscriptions, tracking every dependency. Updates to all dependencies happen automatically when original data changes.
This is also crucial to the rendering process in SolidJS. When we access our signal value inside the HTML (JSX) element, signal registers this DOM node as a subscriber and every time the value changes, only the specific DOM node that uses the data is re-created. This prevents the process of re-rendering the whole component every time something changes, which is popular in common web frameworks.
… and keep track of its changes?
Going back to reactive primitives, I mentioned that reactivity is all about “data that change over time and keeping track of the changes”. Signals cover the first part of the definition - they are a representation of data that change over time. What about the second part though?
To answer this question, there is the second most important primitive - the effect. It allows you to observe signals and run a side effect for every new "emitted" value. You can create an effect with the createEffect
function. Let’s see it in action by changing our previous example a bit:
// Exampleimport { createSignal, createEffect } from 'solid-js';function Counter() {const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);createEffect(() => {console.log("The count: ", count());});return <button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>Click Me</button>;}
With this component, every time the button is clicked, the count
signal’s value is incremented and at the same time the side effect of console.log
ging the value is run.
As you can see the createEffect
accepts a callback representing the side effect to be run as an argument. And nothing more.
”How does it track its dependencies though? How does it know in response to which signal should it run?” Without diving deep into the implementation details, let me just say that createEffect
is smart enough to register which signals should it track from the callback’s definition. In the example above, it tracks only the count
signal, because it is used in the callback. createEffect
wouldn’t track anything else, even if there would be ten more signals defined in the Counter
I, as someone experienced with React, was shocked with this code. “Where’s the dependency array?!”, I thought the first time I saw it.
doesn’t need it, and that’s what’s beautiful about it.
Control flow components
SolidJS allows using ternary operator and &&
to build conditionals in side JSX and also to use
method to map iterable data to HTML. You could already know those techniques from using other libraries/frameworks. But at the same time, SolidJS decided to introduce another solution that potentially make it all more readable and even faster when executing - control flow components.
Any conditionals build with ternary operator and &&
operator can be replaced with SolidJS’ Show
// Exampleimport { Show } from 'solid-js';<Show when={!!user} fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>{<div>{user.firstName}</div>}</Show>
prop accepts a condition under which the child element should be rendered, and the optional prop fallback
allows us to render something when the condition has not been met.
As for a case of looping over an array of items with an intention to map them to HTML elements - it can be covered with the For
// Exampleimport { createSignal, For } from 'solid-js';function App() {const [cats, setCats] = createSignal([/* ... */]);return (<ul><For each={cats()}>{(cat) =><li><a target="_blank" href={`${}`}>{}</a></li>}</For></ul>);}
The For
component takes an array as prop and you pass a callback as its child. The callback is a similar mapping function you could have used when writing the same code with
The difference between using
and For
component lies in the reactivity side of SolidJS. For
component is optimised to be used with signals holding your iterative data. As docs say: “If your array is static, there's nothing wrong with using map. But if you're looping over a signal or reactive property, map is inefficient: if the array changes for any reason, the entire map will rerun and all of the nodes will be recreated. (…) As the array changes, <For>
updates or moves items in the DOM rather than recreating them”.
Aside from Show
and For
(which are the most essential, in my opinion), there are also others, like Switch
and Index
. We won’t cover them here, but if you’re interested there’s a whole interactive tutorial on control flow components on the SolidJS site.
Another ways of creating signals - deriving
You can create signals on your own from already existing ones. The process is called signal deriving and it is all about defining the reactive data accessor by yourself. Let me show you:
// Exampleconst [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);const doubleCount = () => count() * 2;
First, you create a signal with createSignal
(or any other reactive primitive, as there are more than just this one), then you create a function that uses the signal value in its definition.
By running the data accessor, the original signal registers the function as a new dependency, making it a signal on its own, although dependent on the original one. You can use it from this moment as any other signal - as a dependency for createEffect
, in JSX elements and so on.
Interestingly, this behaviour of signals make it a perfect candidate for functors. Deriving signal is nothing more than mapping underlying value to a new one. Let’s see how the implementation of a
for theAccessor<T>
type would look like infp-ts
, just as a food for thought:export const map: <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => (fa: Accessor<A>) => Accessor<B> =(f) => (fa) => () => f(fa());Nothing unexpected here, the above is just a formalisation of how deriving signals work.
If you’d like to see the full implementation of the
instance forAccessor
, see this Stackblitz project. If you want to know how to implement type class instances infp-ts
on your own, please refer to this article.Like I said, this is just a food for thought, in the end this might result in more boilerplate code than it’s really worth (at least for our use case here). Especially given how easy is to create derived signals in the first place.
Another way of creating signals - custom primitives
Knowing built-in primitives like createSignal
and createEffect
gives you superpowers in SolidJS. One of those is ability to create your own primitives!
This superpower will be necessary soon, as we are jumping back to our “Wikipedia results” app. We’ll learn how to create custom primitives as we go.
Let’s build our solid app
Event binding in SolidJS
The last time we talked about the app was so long ago, that’s why I’ll just briefly show you how the app looks like in action once again:
And show you requirements for our app as well:
- Add input for our search query.
- After user provides the query, display data API as a list of links matching the query.
- Do not trigger the API request until user is done with writing the query. In other words: do not query the API with every provided character.
- If the API call fails for some reason, provide user with a meaningful message of what went wrong.
Let’s use our acquired knowledge about SolidJS and put it in action. What we want to do now is start off with something simple: an input for user to have a place to write our search query.
Firstly, let’s get rid of the initial root component in src/App.tsx
and replace it with this:
// src/App.tsxconst App = () => {return 'Hello world!';};export default App;
This way we’ll start clean, only with “Hello world!” text written on the screen.
Then, we can add our input
element. But the input
won’t do anything by its own. We have to keep track of every time user writes something. As you have learned already, signal is a perfect abstraction for managing our data. In other words: we have to create a signal and update it on input
Try to do it yourself! I know, that can be much for someone who just started learning SolidJS, but that’s what makes the task exciting isn’t it? Try to read the section on event binding in the official tutorial, if the solution doesn’t come right away.
Here’s the solution I suggest:
// src/App.tsximport { createSignal } from 'solid-js';const App = () => {const [userInput, setUserInput] = createSignal('');return (<><div>User input: {userInput()}</div><input onInput={(e) => setUserInput(e.currentTarget.value)} /></>);};export default App;
To sum up: we use the onInput
prop to bind into the Input
event. Every time the event is emitted, we use the setter function of our signal to update it. To get the current value out of the input
element we use the currentTarget.value
field out of the e
object which is an instance of InputEvent
(hover over the e
variable to see its type).
Additionally, I added the div
element that prints our userInput
value, just for debugging purposes.
If you're wondering about the
syntax, it is a so called “fragment”. As every component is allowed to return only one JSX element, and we often feel a necessity to return a template containing more than one element, we can wrap it in<></>
. Compiler will unwrap all elements for us and present them on the screen just as we wanted.
SolidJS has prepared us for the harsh, asynchronous world
We are on a good track here. The next thing we’ll do is to finally use our fetchWikiResults
function that we have worked so hard on.
As we know, our fetching function returns a TaskEither
, which is a “lazy” Promise
(a.k.a. Task
) that returns an Either
, that contains either our data or an error that happened during the process.
Now we’d like to fetch our Wikipedia results every time user provides their search query. It would be ideal if we can make the fetchWikiResults
(and Promise
s altogether) to work with our useful signals.
I didn’t mention it earlier, but SolidJS’ signals are synchronous. And here where the clash of two worlds happen: synchronous vs asynchronous.
How can we can make it work? Should we createEffect
and await fetchWikiResults()
inside it? That’s tempting, but unnecessary, as it turns out.
SolidJS has more primitives to offer than just createSignal
and createEffect
. Another useful primitive that we’ll use is createResource
. You can see it in action in this small example (the original source):
// Exampleimport { createSignal, createResource } from "solid-js";import { render } from "solid-js/web";const fetchUser = async (id) =>(await fetch(`${id}/`)).json();const App = () => {const [userId, setUserId] = createSignal();const [user] = createResource(userId, fetchUser);return (<><inputtype="number"min="1"placeholder="Enter Numeric Id"onInput={(e) => setUserId(e.currentTarget.value)}/><span>{user.loading && "Loading..."}</span><div><pre>{JSON.stringify(user(), null, 2)}</pre></div></>);};render(App, document.getElementById("app"));
As official API doc says: "createResource
creates a signal that reflects the result of an async request. createResource
takes an asynchronous fetcher function and returns a signal that is updated with the resulting data when the fetcher completes”.
In other words, createResource
allows us to transform async values to signals.
, as a function, accepts either:
- fetcher function, or
- source signal and a fetcher function
The second option is used in the example above. In this case, every time the source signal gets new value, the call to the fetcher function is run and new value is emitted from the resource’s signal when the async call is done.
Let’s use this knowledge now to develop our app further. Knowing that:
- We have already implemented a signal containing user’s search query,
function returns aTaskEither
(which is a() => Promise<Either>
), andcreateResource
takes a source signal and a fetcher function,
try to implement a signal that represents our Wikipedia search results.
Are you ready…?
Here’s how I’d do it:
// src/App.tsximport { createEffect, createSignal, createResource } from 'solid-js';import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';import { fetchWikiResults } from './fetch-wiki-results';const App = () => {const [userInput, setUserInput] = createSignal('');const [searchResult] = createResource(userInput,(input) => fetchWikiResults(input)(),{ initialValue: E.of([]) });createEffect(() => {console.log(searchResult());});return (<><div>User input: {userInput()}</div><input onInput={(e) => setUserInput(e.currentTarget.value)} /></>);};export default App;
(Notice I’ve added an additional createEffect
with a console.log
. This is just for debugging purposes.)
I bet your solution is almost the same is mine, besides the third argument of the createResource
. This is a bit of a cheat from my side, as I didn’t mention one specific behaviour of the createResource
Namely, createResource
defaults to undefined
as the initial value of the resulting signal. If you debug the resulting value of the searchResult
signal (in the console.log
, for example), you’d see that it first emits value of undefined
, and then the {_tag: 'Right', right: Array(0)}
we expected.
I figured that the resulting type of the searchResults
signal being Either<...> | undefined
is a bit strange, so it would be consistent to keep it all in the Either
world. createResource
accepts an object of options as a third argument, and one of them is initialValue
option, which allowed me to make createResource
's resulting signal default to E.of([])
, so an Either
of an empty array.
We are getting there! But wait… Remember one of the requirements for our app?
- Do not trigger the API request until user is done with writing the query. In other words: do not query the API with every provided character.
If you look at the DevTool's console, you'll see that the data is fetched from Wikipedia API on very character typed.
Wow, what to do with that? No primitive we know allows us to do use signals like that. Well, we have to build it then!
Building your own reactive primitives
Like I mentioned earlier, knowing the most basic primitives gives us superpowers. This chapter is about one of those - building your own primitives on top of existing ones.
Turns out this is nothing complicated: You have to create a function named with a create
prefix (this is a convention), use existing primitives inside it and return the signal and any other value you want.
See an example of a silly primitive that returns uppercased value of every string:
// Exampleconst createUpperCased = (initialValue: string) => {const [value, setValue] = createSignal(initialValue);const setUpperCasedValue = (newValue: string) => setValue(newValue.toUpperCase());return [value, setUpperCasedValue] as const;};
As you can see, we first create a signal with the createSignal
function, then we create our own setter, that instead of normally setting up the value, it sets up the value with .toUpperCase()
. Then we return the original value accessor and our custom setter for it. We add as const
at the end to tell the type system that it should treat the resulting value as tuple, instead of an array.
And that’s it, really! Knowing this opens a whole new world of re-usability and composability of different abstractions across your applications.
This is what lead to an awesome solid-primitives package as well. This package (or a set of multiple packages, to be more precise) is lead by SolidJS contributors and users, and serves a bunch of utility primitives or integrations with Web APIs.
Now, as we did it a couple of times before, we’ll use this acquired knowledge to build our own custom primitive.
Again, remember the tricky requirement we have to solve:
- Do not trigger the API request until user is done with writing the query. In other words: do not query the API with every provided character.
With our current implementation, every time the user types something to the search query input, we trigger a call to Wikipedia API. This is because what triggers the API call is the source signal we used when calling the createResource
. As it “emits” new value with every Input
event, the API call is triggered as well.
We need to find a way to only “emit” new value of this signal a given amount of time after user stops typing. We need to debounce our signal emission.
”Debouncing” is a term for used for situations like that. As the source of all knowledge says, to debounce is to "discard events or signals that should not be processed because they occurred too close together”. You can find different solutions to this programming problem, e.g. in lodash or RxJS.
Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s try to build it!
Google all you want, debug to your heart’s content, even install lodash
if you wish! Our implementations may differ, but it’s fine as long as the result is correct (and we don’t result in memory leaks; I hope my solution doesn’t! 🤞), anything is good here.
This is how I solved it:
// src/create-debounced.tsimport { createSignal } from 'solid-js';export const createDebounced = <T>(initialValue: T, mills: number) => {const [value, setValue] = createSignal<T>(initialValue);let timeout: number;const setValueDebounced = (newValue: T) => {clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = setTimeout(() => {setValue(() => newValue);}, mills);};return [value, setValueDebounced] as const;};
I used setTimeout
and set new value after provided time. Unless the new value comes in the meantime - then I clear the timeout and wait for new value to come.
Now let’s use it in our component:
// src/App.tsximport { createEffect, createResource } from 'solid-js';import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';import { fetchWikiResults } from './fetch-wiki-results';import { createDebounced } from './create-debounced';const App = () => {const [userInput, setUserInput] = createDebounced('', 750);const [searchResult] = createResource(userInput,(input) => fetchWikiResults(input)(),{ initialValue: E.of([]) });createEffect(() => {console.log(searchResult());});return (<><div>User input: {userInput()}</div><input onInput={(e) => setUserInput(e.currentTarget.value)} /></>);};export default App;
The value I used for the timeout is 750ms. You can use whatever you want, I just subjectively thought this might be the most optimal value.
Now every time user types something, the API call runs only ~750ms after user’s last character typed, ignoring any character that was quickly typed one after another. You can see the result on screen and console.
We’ve learned so much about both functional and reactive approaches and used both to create portions of our applications. Now let’s finish this, let’s tie both worlds together.
Tying this all up - functional and reactive
In this final part, the goal is to use our Wikipedia search result and present it to the user.
But the query result is not the only thing that user can see! As we already know from our fetchWikiResults
function that results in TaskEither
, it can result in data from API, as well as in some errors.
Depending on requirements, we’d like to set up UI/UX differently. In this case, as you may remember from our own requirements, we’d like to present the user different messages for different error.
What we have to do now is to “unwrap” our Either
value that contains either error or our data and present a different view depending on the pattern we got. I used the specific word pattern here intentionally, as I want to introduce you to the final concept I’d like to show you - pattern matching.
The missing piece - pattern matching
Patterns, patterns everywhere - explaining the concept
Although this is not a built-in feature in JavaScript and TypeScript (although there is a TC39 proposal out there), this feature exists in many languages, e.g. Haskell or Rust. The concept of pattern matching is often tied to functional programming, but it occurs in non-functional ones as well, e.g. aforementioned Rust.
I’d like to again quote a certain site to define the pattern matching (because I’d like to credit the authors and because I’m lazy):
“Pattern Matching is a code-branching technique coming from functional programming languages, which lets you scrutinize the structure of values in a declarative way. It has proven itself to be less verbose and more powerful than imperative alternatives (if/else/switch statements), especially when branching on complex data structures or on several values.”
Here’s how an example of pattern matching looks like. This example is from Haskell, although you don’t need to know anything about the language to understand what happens here:
describeList :: [a] -> StringdescribeList xs = case xs of[] -> "Empty list"[x] -> "Singleton list"xs -> "Longer list"
This example shows us a function called describeList
, that returns a description of a list. We use the case ... of
expression to start matching against certain patterns.
There are three “branches” used here. First one is an empty list. The second pattern is a list with exactly one element. The third one is a list with more than one element. The case ... of
expression will resolve the third pattern as a list of more than one element, instead of “non-empty list”, because it has already checked against the pattern of singleton list a line before. In other words, patterns are checked sequentially, one by one.
What’s cool about pattern matching as a language feature, is that when used in languages like Rust, Elm or Haskell, they are exhaustive. It means that when you provide patterns to match against, you have to exhaust all the possible combinations of a given pattern. When not provided with all combinations, the compiler will give you an error.
This is an example of non-exhaustive case expression in Haskell:
describeList :: [a] -> StringdescribeList xs = case xs of[] -> "Empty list"
This only checks against an empty list, and as we know, list can also contain some values. In this case we can provide it different combinations, or a wildcard (case that covers all remaining combinations). For example:
describeList :: [a] -> StringdescribeList xs = case xs of[] -> "Empty list"_ -> "Non-empty list"
Ok, that’s the last bit of Haskell, I promise. I hope it gave you the perspective on what pattern matching is.
Like I mentioned, we cannot use pattern matching as a language feature in TypeScript. But, like the meme says, if there’s an idea, there’s probably a library for it already. And in this case, it’s called ts-pattern
Pattern matching in TypeScript? I’m sold!
is a library created by Gabriel Vergnaud. It allows you to use pattern matching in TypeScript in a type-safe way.
Let’s see a small example from the docs:
type Permission = 'editor' | 'viewer';type Plan = 'basic' | 'pro';const fn = (org: Plan, user: Permission) =>match([org, user] as const).with(['basic', 'viewer'], () => {}).with(['basic', 'editor'], () => {}).with(['pro', 'viewer'], () => {})// Fails with `NonExhaustiveError<['pro', 'editor']>`// because the `['pro', 'editor']` case isn't handled..exhaustive();const fn2 = (org: Plan, user: Permission) =>match([org, user] as const).with(['basic', 'viewer'], () => {}).with(['basic', 'editor'], () => {}).with(['pro', 'viewer'], () => {}).with(['pro', 'editor'], () => {}).exhaustive(); // Works!
We use the match
function and a chain of .with()
calls to build up a pattern matching sequence. We add the exhaustive()
call at the end to run the pattern matching and let type system know that all combinations should be provided. If not provided, compiler will tell us about it.
Instead .exhaustive()
at the end, you can use the .otherwise()
to handle possible combinations that weren’t mentioned before - all at once. For example:
type Permission = 'editor' | 'viewer';type Plan = 'basic' | 'pro';const fn = (org: Plan, user: Permission) =>match([org, user] as const).with(['basic', 'viewer'], () => {}).with(['basic', 'editor'], () => {}).otherwise(() => {/* This will handle all cases for the "pro" plan */});
What’s also useful to know about ts-pattern
, is that it provides a set of different wildcards, that you can use to group different types of data: primitive types (like string or number), nullish values or instances of provided classes.
I would like to recommend the “Bringing Pattern Matching to TypeScript” article by Gabriel, because it highlights all benefits of using pattern matching and why it would be a great addition to the language. TL;DR:
- JS and TS does not have a way to write declarative code branching.
are statements - they do not evaluate to a value. - There is no way to express code branching in JSX aside of ternary operator or IIFEs (although, as you know already, this is easier in SolidJS with its control flow components).
requires workarounds or is just not good enough in some cases (e.g. when wanting to branch out on two values in the same context).
That’s it, we now know all the basics about pattern matching and ts-pattern
needed to continue working on our app. Let’s finish this!
Finishing the app - providing different view for different pattern
In this section we’ll use our pattern matching knowledge to present different view based on what our Either
holds. In other words, try to “unwrap” Either
so that whatever the result (data or an error), it should result in JSX element(s) that will show appropriate information to the user:
- If
is aRight
, use the data out of it and present bullet list of all the working links. - If
is aLeft
, present a message to the user about the kind of error that had happened (different error - different message).
From the technical standpoint, we’ll use ts-pattern
’s match(...).with(...)
syntax to pattern match against Either
's Left
or Right
values and also against different errors that we can get.
If you’re stuck, try to consult docs for ts-pattern
. Google all you want, explore and have fun!
Are you done…?
Here is how I did it. This is my final solution to our App
component as well:
// src/App.tsximport { createEffect, createResource, For } from 'solid-js';import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';import { fetchWikiResults } from './fetch-wiki-results';import { createDebounced } from './create-debounced';import { match, P } from 'ts-pattern';import { z } from 'zod';import { NetworkError, ParserError } from './errors';const App = () => {const [userInput, setUserInput] = createDebounced('', 750);const [searchResult] = createResource(userInput,(input) => fetchWikiResults(input)(),{ initialValue: E.of([]) });return (<><div>User input: {userInput()}</div><input onInput={(e) => setUserInput(e.currentTarget.value)} />{match(searchResult()).with({ _tag: 'Right' }, ({ right: results }) => (<ul><For each={results}>{(result) => (<li><a href={result.href} target="_blank">{result.title}</a></li>)}</For></ul>)).with({ _tag: 'Left' }, ({ left: err }) =>match(err).with(P.instanceOf(ParserError), (e) => (<div>Error when parsing response data.</div>)).with(P.instanceOf(NetworkError), (e) => (<div>Error when connecting to server.</div>)).with(P.instanceOf(z.ZodError), (e) => (<div>Unexpected data format from the server.</div>)).exhaustive()).exhaustive()}</>);};export default App;
Some people that are already familiar with
may notice that we could have used thefold
function from thefp-ts/Either
as well. It allows you to branch on top of theEither
and “reduce” it to a single value by providing it theonLeft
reducer callbacks. I sticked withts-pattern
and pattern matching in this case just to use show off the concept as much as possible 😉
Whoa, this was a long ride. I definitely didn’t expect that it would take me so long to write down my take on the topic.
I'd like to thank you for sticking with me and for your willingness to explore this unknown territory with me. You're awesome!
Though I imagine, after giving so much thoughts on such a specific topic, that my take may not be 100% optimal for everyone. Some of you may say that I over-engineered the application.
And you are probably right.
The adoption of new paradigms and decisions on adding new dependencies to your project are very hard topics that deserve their own articles and books. Those are, in fact, already covered by some brilliant minds.
What I wanted to show you with this one is possibilities and benefits you get from using functional and reactive approaches. Using small app allowed me to convey this message easier.
Imagine what this would result in when used at a larger scale. Didn’t TypeScript, with its strong typing, proved to be useful at larger scale, while seeming like a hindrance at the beginning?
Answer this yourself - isn’t taking this concept further tempting?